Category: What’s New?

Creating A Keepsake

NFPW’s January Agenda Stands Tall on First Amendment Issues
For more information about NFPW, as well as past issues of Agenda, go to www.nfpw.org. Canadian songwriter Joni Mitchell has been my personal mental and emotional guru since my days as a college coed. Hearing her voice sing any of … Continue reading NFPW’s January Agenda Stands Tall on First Amendment Issues

Marianne took 1st place honors in the Audiovisual Category of the 2017 Mate E. Palmer Communications Contest
Chicago Literary Hall of Fame (CLHOF) and Illinois Woman’s Press Association (IWPA) announced the induction of Chicago Tribune writer and critic Fanny Butcher into the CLHOF. A celebratory event was held at Newberry Library in Ruggles Hall on Thursday, May 11th, 2017. Keynote remarks were delivered by Liesl Olsen, Director of Chicago Studies at Newberry Library. John Bokum accepted the induction award on his aunt’s behalf. Elizabeth Taylor, Linda Bubon, IWPA Historian/Archivist Marianne Wolf-Astrauskas, Toni Nealie and Emily Victorson also gave tributes.Sponsors for the event include the Chicago Literary Hall of Fame, Newberry Library, The Guild Literary Complex, Chicago Writers Association, and Illinois Woman’s … Continue reading Marianne took 1st place honors in the Audiovisual Category of the 2017 Mate E. Palmer Communications Contest
Marianne visits St. Joseph Joliet Museum

Wolf-Astrauskas named IWPA 2013 Communicator of Achievement
The Illinois Women’s Press Association is pleased to announce Marianne Wolf-Astrauskas, two-term President of the Illinois Woman’s Press Association, and Executive Board Secretary of National Federation of Press Women, has been honored as the 2013 Communicator of Achievement. Marianne continues the tradition of communicative collaboration established by Helen Miller Malloch, former IWPA President and Founder/President of the NFPW. She has served IWPA as Vice President/Membership Chair, High School Contest Chair, Book Fair Chair, and is the Co-Editor of The Anthology, to be published in 2014. In 2008, she was named the IWPA COA. She has served the National Federation of … Continue reading Wolf-Astrauskas named IWPA 2013 Communicator of Achievement

Collaboration leads to co-editing new book
On sale now at Amazon! Click here to purchase! Continue reading Collaboration leads to co-editing new book

Meeting Chicago’s Mayor at Printer’s Row Fair
The Chicago Tribune purchased the Printers Row Book Fair in 2002 from the Near South Planning Board and renamed it the Printer’s Row Lit Fest. It is considered the largest free outdoor literary event in the Midwest, drawing more than 125,000 book lovers to the two-day showcase. Each June the Illinois Woman’s Press Association sponsors a tent at the Printer’s Row Lite Fest to showcase the talented author/members of the Association. Details can be found on iwpa.org Continue reading Meeting Chicago’s Mayor at Printer’s Row Fair

Latest book, “The Anthology” of the Illinois Woman’s Press Association
In 1914, Julia Holmes Smith, M.D. was the editor of The Memory Book, a collection of short stories, poems and essays authored by 97 members of the Illinois Woman’s Press Association. In her forward she remarked, “The marvel of memory makes of life the real high and holy thing that it is—a bond between the past and present—the prelude of the future.” The publication was a recollection of and tribute to the vision of the group of women who founded IWPA in Chicago, Illinois, in 1885. In 2014, Marianne Wolf and Susan Brauer collaborated with members of IWPA to celebrate … Continue reading Latest book, “The Anthology” of the Illinois Woman’s Press Association

Meeting America’s Baby Boomer-Jane Pauley
Jane Pauley’s smile is immediate as she arrives at the reception. For more than 30 years, Jane’s been that familiar face and respected journalist we’ve come to know and trust. Truth be told, more than 300 “fans” like me turned out at the Union League Club of Chicago to meet and hear Jane speak about her current book, Your Life Calling: Reimagining the Rest of Your Life, because she has been and remains a role model for generations of women who watched JanePaulyher life unfold before us on national television. With classic style and grace, Jane was honest and inspiring … Continue reading Meeting America’s Baby Boomer-Jane Pauley